The new riddles and brain teasers of the month
Riddles and Brain Teasers
Mark W,

Welcome to the mind-bending maze of June's enigmatic extravaganza. Prepare to be puzzled, bewildered, and pleasantly perplexed as we dive into this month's riddles and brain teasers. So grab a cup of brain-boosting brew, sharpen your mental swords, and let's embark on a captivating journey through the realm of cunning conundrums. Let the games begin!


Surf, School, Room
What word can be added before or after these words to make a new word or phrase? Surf, School, Room

You Are My Brother
You are my brother but I am not your brother. Who am I?

Brain Teasers

Rearrange the letters of each word in this phrase to form a well-known saying. LEWL GUNEB SI FLAH ENDO

Three Letter Word Completion
What three letter word can complete the below words? B___ D___ M___ET P___ING SH___

Warm regards,
